(1) 2006/03 至 2011/03, 西安交通大学, 企业管理, 博士
(2) 2004/09 至 2006/03, 西安交通大学, 企业管理, 硕士
(3) 2000/09 至 2004/09, 长安大学, 工商管理, 学士。
(1) 2018/02 至 2019/02,罗格斯大学,访问学者
(2) 2015-12 至 今, 西安理工大学, 经济与管理学院, 副教授
(3) 2011-06 至 2015-12, 西安理工大学, 经济与管理学院, 讲师
1、国家社科基金一般项目(23JYB01840):基于 AI 的服务机器人对顾客服务体验的影响机制及提升对策研究,2023.9.1-2026.8.30,主持,在研。
3、陕西省科技厅软科学项目:陕西省知识密集型服务企业赋能制造企业创新能力的机制研究(No. 2021KRM157), 2021.1-2021.12,主持,已结题。
7、陕西省教育厅课题(15JK1497):服务企业形象与服务质量关系研究:基于顾客参与视角,2015年6 月至2017年 5月,主持,已结题。
8、陕西省教育厅课题(12JK0026):关系强度、发送方专业知识与口碑影响力的关系研究:基于服务行业的实证研究,2012年7 月至2014 年 7月,主持,已结题。
[1]Cheng Pengfei, Liu Zhuangzi, Zhou Linfei. Transformational Leadership and Emotional Labor: The Mediation Effects of Psychological Empowerment. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2023; 20(2):1030. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph20021030(SSCI+SCIE,) WOS: 000917607200001
[2]Cheng Pengfei, Jiang Jingxuan, Xie Sanbin and Liu Zhuangzi. 2022. Dysfunctional Customer Behavior Influences on Employees’ Emotional Labor: The Moderating Roles of Customer Orientation and Perceived Organizational Support. Frontiers in Psychology, 13(10) https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.966845 (SSCI)
[3]Cheng Pengfei, Jiang Jingxuan, and Liu Zhuangzi. 2022. "The Influence of Perceived External Prestige on Emotional Labor of Frontline Employees: The Mediating Roles of Organizational Identification and Impression Management Motive" International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19, no. 17: 10778. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph191710778 (SSCI+SCIE) WOS:000851906600001
[4]Cheng Pengfei, Jiang Jingxuan. Tian Shasha. Influence of Transformational Leadership on Emotional Labor of Employees —Mediating Role of Psychological Empowerment. 2022 the 6th International Conference on Information System and Data Mining (ICISDM2022), Silicon Valley, CA, USA.DOI: 10.1145/3546157.3546179; EI: 20223712728822
[5]Cheng Pengfei, Xie Sanbin, Jiang Jingxuan. The Impact of Perceived Customer Participation on Employees' Emotional Labor: The Cross-Level Moderating Effect of Customer Orientation. 2022 the 6th International Conference on Information System and Data Mining (ICISDM2022), Silicon Valley, CA, USA.DOI:10.1145/3546157.3546180; EI: 20223712728823
[6]Cheng Pengfei, Xie Sanbin, Jiang Jingxuan. How does Service Firm’s Innovation Images affect Customer Participation? The Mediating role of Customer-company Identification. 2021 4th International Conference on Information Management and Management Science, IMMS 2021 Chengdu. DOI: 10.1145/3485190.3485223; EI: 20215011318028
[7]Cheng Pengfei, Tian Shasha. Customer Expertise, Involvement and Perceived Online Review Trustworthiness, 4th International Conference on Information System and Data Mining (ICISDM2020), Hilo, Hawaii, USA.2020, EI: 20204209351505
[8]Cheng Pengfei, Qiang Wei. Pre-Visit Destination Image's Effects on Perceived Travel Service Quality: The Mediating Effects of Place Attachment. The International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management 2018 (ICSSSM2018), Hangzhou, 2018.EI: 20184105920880
[9]Cheng Pengfei, Xue Weixian. Corporate Image, Customer Participation and Service Quality: From Social Identity Theory Perspective, The International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management 2014 (ICSSSM2014), BeiJing, 2014.EI: 20143618124332
[10]Cheng Pengfei, Xue Weixian. Does Customer Participation Improve Service Quality? The Moderating Effects of Customer Expertise. The International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management 2013 (ICSSSM2013),Hong Kong, 2013.(EI:20134216862746)
[11]Cheng Pengfei, Liu Xinmei. The Impact of Network Effect on the Customer Switching Intention: in Mobile Telecommunication. The International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management (ICSSSM2007),Chengdu, 2007.(EI:20081211152030, ISTP:000251162500227.
[12]Cheng Pengfei, Liu Xinmei. The Determinants of Word-of-Mouth’s Influence in New Product Adoption: The Moderating Role of Consumer Innovativeness. The Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2010 (AOM 2010). Montreal, Canada, 2010.
[14]程鹏飞. 关系强度、发送方专业知识与口碑影响力--信任的中介效应. 软科学,2013, 05:66-69.(CSSCI源期刊)
[15]程鹏飞,刘新梅. 经济增长、替代效应及规制对电信发展的影响--基于创新扩散的视角. 中国软科学,2010,01:53-60.(国家自然基金委A级权威期刊,CSSCI源期刊)
[17]程鹏飞,刘新梅.移动通信行业的规模经济性检验--基于105家运营商面板数据的研究, 软科学,2010,24(02):26-29.(CSSCI源期刊)
[18]程鹏飞,刘新梅. 基于创新扩散模型的互联网发展影响因素研究——以35个国家为例, 软科学,2009,23(05):81-86.(CSSCI源期刊)
[19]程鹏飞,刘新梅.供应商介入的测量及对R&D绩效影响的研究综述, 情报杂志,2009,28(06):5-8。(CSSCI源期刊)
[21]刘新梅,张若勇,程鹏飞. 基于随机前沿方法的区域发电技术效率评价. 统计与决策,2007,03:67-69.(CSSCI源期刊)
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